Frequently Asked Questions
Have shipping costs changed?
Due to increased and significant variability in UPS rates, we can no longer offer flat rate shipping. Your total cost per wreath could be more, the same or even less than last year. Thanks for your understanding as we make this transition.
What is Preferred Arrival Date?
You can specify when you would like your loved ones to receive your gift. Please note that we do everything we can to ensure your gift will arrive on your preferred date, but some aspects of delivery are beyond our control. Therefore we cannot guarantee your gift will arrive on the specified date.
Do you take international orders?
Currently we are only accepting orders from and shipping to the United States.
Are there other ways to send my order?
You can order by phone (1-877-207-1661), emailing us (, or by downloading the printable order form and faxing it to us (336-384-4446).

We make it easy and quick for people to send a beautiful holiday wreath to family and friends.
The West End Family Business Philosophy:
The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. West End Wreaths is a family business based on tradition. We hope you make West End Wreaths a part of your family tradition.